But the upcoming flu season could be even worse. There are still complex issues with Covid-19, experts say you may want to do it first.
Director of Pediatric Infection Control. UH, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland. "It's better if people get a chance to go ahead and take their flu shots, whenever they can."
Based on the number of viruses he saw hitting people earlier this year, he thinks it's not good for the flu season. Hoen’s Children’s Hospital was much busier this summer than last summer, treating children for a large mixture of viruses.
“Once we all took off our masks, the viruses did what they did and found lots of people to run their noses,” Hoen said.
What will the flu season be like this year?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is still not seeing much influenza, but that could change soon.
Experts often look to the southern hemisphere to predict what kind of flu numbers should be expected in the United States, where the flu season usually begins in June and peaks in August.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Professor of Infectious Diseases. “The story is mixed so far,” said William Schaffner.
Schaffner said Australia has strict epidemic restrictions on travelers to the country, where flu activity was very low.
“But China, which has more contact with the outside world, had a moderate flu season,” Schaffner said.
"So we think we'll have at least one medium season this year."
What usually starts in the flu season is the beginning of the school year. He said that many more children are going back to the classroom than last year, unless the children are wearing masks and everyone else, in this case, there will probably be more incidents.
"Children are the 'distribution franchise' for the influenza virus. They are on top of each other and they are not healthy little boyfriends, so they spread the flu virus among themselves," Schaffner said.
"When children are infected, they are infected for a longer period of time than adults, so they are actually the people who bring the virus into the family and spread it well to neighbors and everyone," Schaffner said.
According to the CDC, an average of 5 million cases occur in the United States each year.
Last year there was no average. The flu was virtually non-existent in the United States where there were thousands of cases throughout the year. One child died. For comparison, in 2019-2020, there were 199 flu-related deaths among children and 144 before that.
Fortunately, "Twindemic", which some experts predicted for 2020, never happened in the case of a large number of flu and Covid-19.
What a difference this year?
This may be due to the extra precautions that people have taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Masks, good hand hygiene, limited schooling in person, limited travel, and less talking to others can help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the flu.
With the country opening up, protection from flu shots became more necessary for everyone.
A person can get a flu shot and a Covid-1 vaccine at the same time, so if they have not yet been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine, or they need a booster, there is no real medical reason other than these. Says
“If you have a chance to get both, I’d say get both,” Schaffner said. Of course, children 11 and under cannot yet be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Although Dr. Anthony Fawcett told that the United States could return to "normalcy" by the spring of 2022 if most people in the country do not receive the Covid-19 vaccine, the National Director Allergy Institute and Infectious Diseases could be "complicated."
Vaccines must keep those numbers to a minimum, and Covid-19 SAARC could become commonplace, Hoen said, adding that people have extra enthusiasm for taking flu shots this year.
Children under the age of 12 still cannot get the Covid-19 vaccine, and while the disease may be mild in young children, Hoen said hospitals are seeing more children with the Covid-19 and another virus.
"Even if we don't think these things are important to us, we should really do it for a child in our lives so that they
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