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Countries : All countries which are Members of the United Nations may become members of WHO by accepting its Constitution.

All countries that area unit Members of the world organization could become members of United Nations agency by acceptive its Constitution. different countries is also admitted as members once their application has been approved by a straightforward majority vote of the globe Health Assembly. Territories that don't seem to be liable for the conduct of their diplomacy is also admitted as Associate Members upon application created on their behalf by the Member or different authority liable for their diplomacy. Members of United Nations agency area unit sorted in step with regional distribution (194 Member States).
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
African Region
European Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
European Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
South-East Asia Region
Region of the Americas
European Region
European Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
South-East Asia Region
Region of the Americas
European Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
European Region
African Region
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
European Region
Region of the Americas
European Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
African Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
African Region
European Region
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
African Region
African Region
European Region
European Region
African Region
European Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
African Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
European Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
South-East Asia Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
European Region
European Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
African Region
African Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
European Region
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
South-East Asia Region
African Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
African Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
African Region
South-East Asia Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
South-East Asia Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
European Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
European Region
African Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
African Region
European Region
African Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
European Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
African Region
African Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Region of the Americas
European Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
South-East Asia Region
South-East Asia Region
African Region
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
European Region
Western Pacific Region
African Region
European Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
European Region
African Region
Region of the Americas
Region of the Americas
European Region
Western Pacific Region
Region of the Americas
Western Pacific Region
Eastern Mediterranean Region
African Region
African Region

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