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SORE THROAT - Common Medical Advice,

General Information

A sore throat is the result of a very common infection by any one of a large number of bacteria or viruses. It is a part of a collection of illnesses ranging from the common cold to glandular fever. 

The sore throat may be accompanied by sniffles, cough, and feeling generally weak and feverish. Bacteria and viruses infect the tissues at the back and sides of the throat. The body makes antibodies to the infection, and this may cause the glands (lymph nodes) in the neck to swell and become tender Often a sore throat is associated with enlarged, tender glands in the neck that causes difficulty in swallowing. 

There is often dryness, redness, and a raspy feeling when a person has a sore throat. Most commonly sore throats are caused by viruses e.g. adenoviruses, influenza, and sometimes glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis). Many other viruses may cause sore throats as well as bacteria e.g. streptococcus. The untreated streptococcal throat infection may later pose a risk of rheumatic fever, which may later lead to a fatal condition called rheumatic heart disease.

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of sore throat include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Pus on the surface of the tonsils
  • Redness of the oropharynx
  • Tender neck glands (inflamed lymph nodes)
  • Drooling or spitting (swallowing becomes too painful)
  • Difficulty breathing (inhaling can be especially difficult when the passage through the pharynx or larynx becomes too narrow for a normal stream of air)

Advice to the Customers

  • Sore throats usually clear up in a few days, even without medication.
  • An antibiotic is of no benefit if the infection is caused by a virus.
  • Sucking ice may help relieve the Soreness of the throat.
  • Taking sugar-containing preparations to relieve sore throat may cause tooth decay, especially when given to children. Diabetics should also be warned of the sugar content of these products
  • Drink more of clear liquids (cold sodas, Popsicles, and mild juices) as these are most soothing and help to thin out the mucus at the back of the throat.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of table salt to 1 Cup of warm tap water and gargle with this solution at least 4 times a day as it helps to soothe and heal.
  • Practice good hygiene like washing hands, covering the nose, and mouth when sneezing, and proper disposal of used facial tissues.
  • Avoid smoking as it irritates and dries the mucous membranes that line the nose and throat.
  • Applying moist heat compresses (wash-cloths moistened with warm tap water) to the neck helps swollen glands feel better

Prescription Advice

Instruct the patient on the medication and how to use it properly, i.e. name of the medication, frequency of dosage, etc.

In cases where the sore throat is severe, instruct the patient to consult a physician.

Discuss Advice to the Customers thoroughly for more information on the prevention and management of Sore throat.

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